1.   It is essential that you gain lots of height on the jump before attempting to snap your legs back.

2.   A few weeks later, I was walking through the Houston airport and my leg just snapped.

3.   He was in charge of making sure the racing surface was in top condition for the horses, whose powerful but fragile legs can snap with the slightest misstep.

4.   I heard my leg snap and I tried to spin and cushion my fall.

5.   In February for a few perilous seconds, Martin feared his leg might snap.

6.   Not even a leg snap.

7.   Or he could step the wrong way and the leg could snap, ending his career.

n. + snap >>共 366
photographer 6.68%
loss 3.53%
cable 2.90%
victory 2.90%
win 2.77%
stock 2.52%
line 2.27%
flag 2.02%
tourist 1.89%
wind 1.76%
leg 0.88%
leg + v. >>共 324
be 29.67%
have 4.80%
feel 3.32%
go 2.62%
start 1.92%
begin 1.66%
get 1.47%
hurt 1.41%
carry 1.34%
take 1.28%
snap 0.45%
每页显示:    共 7