leg be 30.55   My legs are wobbly !
  leg have 4.94   The leg had to be thrown out.
  leg feel 3.42   My legs feel good.
  leg go 2.70   Up went the leg.
  leg start 1.97   One leg started to cramp.
  leg begin 1.71   My legs had begun to shake.
  leg get 1.51   The legs get weak.
  leg hurt 1.45   My legs hurt.
  leg carry 1.38   Rubbery legs no longer carry Carver.
  leg take 1.32   Mastering new legs took a little longer.
  leg seem 1.25   Her twig-thin legs seemed fit to snap.
  leg heal 1.05   He said that when his leg heals he will go looking for work.
  leg shake 0.99   My legs are shaking.
  leg give_out 0.92   My legs gave out on me.
  leg become 0.86   His leg became gangrenous and had to be amputated.
  leg dangle 0.86   One hind leg dangled crazily, but there was no blood.
  leg look 0.86   Her legs look thin and cold.
  leg amputate 0.79   She had had both legs amputated and had lost one eye.
  leg give 0.79   Her legs give way.
  leg turn 0.79   Legs turn to mush.
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