1.   He was never expected to hunt headlines, leak damaging information or use the office for his own enrichment or career enhancement.

2.   Other officials grumbled that news media leaks had damaged the case.

3.   Water leaks had seriously damaged one whole wing.

4.   Instead, Ashcroft proposed the interagency group to study whether leaks have damaged national security.

5.   NASA assured the Russians that, to the best of its knowledge, the leak would not damage anything.

6.   But the Russians were worried that the remaining fuel leak could damage the space station and finally agreed to allow the close approach after three days of intense negotiations.

n. + damage >>共 809
explosion 5.92%
fire 4.87%
bomb 4.44%
blast 4.05%
attack 1.71%
storm 1.05%
water 1.01%
rain 0.97%
flood 0.93%
weather 0.78%
leak 0.23%
leak + v. >>共 146
be 30.39%
occur 9.80%
cause 7.03%
come 4.08%
pose 3.10%
begin 1.80%
force 1.63%
develop 1.47%
trigger 1.47%
continue 1.31%
damage 0.98%
每页显示:    共 6