explosion damage 10.01   The explosion badly damaged the bridge.
  fire damage 8.23   Both were badly damaged by fire.
  bomb damage 7.50   Bombs damage Bahrain stores.
  blast damage 6.85   The blast damaged the bridge.
  attack damage 2.90   The attack damaged her hearing.
  storm damage 1.78   The storms also damaged homes in Indiana.
  water damage 1.71   Does softened water damage plants?
  rain damage 1.65   News reports said recent heavy rains had damaged the wooden chest.
  flood damage 1.58   The floods damaged roads and highways, telephone lines and farms.
  weather damage 1.32   Cold weather is damaging to car batteries.
  frost damage 1.25   Early frosts also damaged some crops.
  quake damage 1.25   The quake also did damage outside the region.
  scandal damage 1.25   The scandal could damage his career.
  shell damage 1.25   Those shops damaged by shells are practically empty.
  firebomb damage 1.12   A firebomb slightly damaged an electric pylon.
  car damage 1.05   Several injuries were reported and cars damaged.
  strike damage 1.05   Government officials said the strikes are damaging an already ailing economy.
  protester damage 0.99   Protesters damaged some TVX equipment.
  rocket damage 0.99   He said the rockets damaged some buildings.
  vandal damage 0.99   Her mudbrick home was badly damaged by vandals twice.
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