1.   Browned leaf margins is a sign of environmental change such as wet-dry extremes.

2.   Gardeners will see a scalloped yellowing on leaf margins, followed by scorch on the margins or tips of the leaves.

3.   If a shrub turns yellow or brown and some leaves brown only on the leaf margins, it could be drought or winter injury.

4.   Such moisture fluctuations and other environmental extremes will cause leaf margins to brown.

5.   Too little or too much water will cause leaf margins to brown.

n. + margin >>共 167
error 9.86%
victory 9.66%
interest 8.25%
one-vote 5.03%
safety 4.63%
turnover 3.42%
two-goal 2.21%
vote 1.81%
ulcer 1.61%
plate 1.41%
leaf 1.01%
leaf + n. >>共 253
blower 7.99%
office 6.39%
litter 5.11%
lettuce 3.19%
farmer 1.92%
fall 1.76%
surface 1.60%
drop 1.60%
node 1.44%
mulch 1.28%
margin 0.80%
每页显示:    共 5