1.   Although the study was commissioned and funded by the government, its recommendations are not binding and native leaders fear that the report will be shelved.

2.   Ethiopian business leaders fear that a prolonged conflict could devastate both economies, already reeling after poor harvests last year.

3.   Restructuring the system could put many on the street and lead to unrest, leaders fear.

4.   Some experts have said congressional leaders fear apologizing to black Americans for slavery could lead to the government having to compensate them.

5.   Some of the new members, judicial leaders fear, will add political agendas to the delicate task of hearing complaints about judicial behavior.

6.   These leaders fear Washington will turn its attention elsewhere again after achieving or failing to achieve its first set of goals.

7.   Tribal leaders fear Ventura may be more apt to support this legislation than his predecessor, Gov. Arne Carlson.

8.   Business leaders fear investors will flee the country if he wins, and his critics call him a dictator-in-waiting.

9.   But Djukanovic is at odds with the Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, and Western leaders fear Milosevic is plotting a military coup to take control of Montenegro.

10.   GOP leaders fear sampled numbers could lead to districts with higher concentrations of Democrats.

n. + fear >>共 433
security 9.04%
inflation 8.04%
investor 5.05%
official 5.05%
consumer 3.30%
government 2.62%
market 2.37%
analyst 1.62%
leader 1.62%
safety 1.43%
leader + n. >>共 337
board 26.32%
summit 3.10%
fear 2.99%
say 2.30%
rebel 1.49%
hope 1.38%
jersey 1.38%
claim 1.26%
call 1.15%
talk 1.15%
每页显示:    共 26