leader board 15.08   Off the leader board.
  leader summit 1.78   Bombs explode as European leaders end summit.
  leader fear 1.71   But opposition leaders fear India will gain the most from it.
  leader say 1.32   Solidarity leaders say that is not true.
  leader rebel 0.86   Government forces in Bihac are battling secessionist troops loyal to rebel Moslem leader Fikret Abdic.
  leader hope 0.79   And that, she and other Mohawk leaders hope, will pay for much more than water and sewer mains.
  leader jersey 0.79   Indurain retained the leaders yellow jersey.
  leader claim 0.72   Both leaders claim Arafat has not done enough to prevent attacks against Israelis.
  leader call 0.66   Pakistani leader calls on world to improve rural areas.
  leader talk 0.66   Labor leaders talk up Gephardt.
  leader head 0.53   ASEAN leaders head home Saturday after their summit.
  leader meeting 0.46   Alatas said informal leaders meetings and other bilateral meetings would be held during the conference.
  leader support 0.46   The US is giving the rebel leaders moral support, but so far no weapons.
  leader time 0.39   Gordon said she wanted to give the new leader time to establish himself.
  leader close 0.33   A communist leader close to Yadav said the situation was fluid.
  leader control 0.33   Several foundations linked to top political leaders control the remaining shares.
  leader end 0.33   One of them is that Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat end the terrorism of suicide bombings.
  leader leader 0.33   For church leaders community leaders and ordinary people working for peace in Ireland thank you God.
  leader view 0.33   Many Palestinian leaders view the concept is a trap.
  leader way 0.33   The Egyptian news agency MENA said Ikeda will discuss with Egyptian leaders ways of bolstering bilateral relations and the peace process.
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