1.   That makes the current business year a good time to write off the hundreds of billions of yen in non-performing and uncollectible jusen loans.

2.   The Diet debated ad nauseam the means of writing-off the jusen bad loans, but ran away from answering these fundamental points.

3.   Many jusen loans were secured with collateral of land worth a fraction of what it was a few years ago.

4.   Masses of soured jusen loans have been a major part of the bad debt problem plaguing the Japanese economy, now in its worst recession in decades.

5.   The other banks forgiving large jusen loans include Asahi Bank, Yasuda Trust and Banking Co., Mitsui Trust and Banking, and Nippon Credit Bank Ltd.

6.   Hashimoto said the Jusen Resolution Organisation was being set up to collect what remained of jusen loans under the direction of the Deposit Insurance Corp.

n. + loan >>共 373
bank 21.24%
low-interest 6.18%
problem 5.15%
equity 4.95%
car 4.92%
mortgage 4.58%
consumer 4.06%
auto 3.55%
business 3.23%
government 2.95%
jusen 0.17%
jusen + n. >>共 39
plan 11.45%
issue 10.69%
company 9.92%
firm 9.16%
scheme 9.16%
mess 6.11%
problem 5.34%
loan 4.58%
bailout 3.82%
debacle 2.29%
每页显示:    共 6