1.   Liquid alcohol used to warm food can be toxic and improper handling can lead to an explosion.

2.   Pleading no contest to charges of improper handling of a firearm and reckless driving, Metcalf drew a suspended jail sentence.

3.   In general, improper handling and failure to meet temperature, retention and cooling times meant that the end products were often not sterile.

4.   Emergency-room personnel also treat pains from overeating, food poisoning from improper handling, and chest pains related to stress.

5.   For consumers, the gray market means greater risks that drugs will be spoiled by improper handling, and an increased chance that the drugs they buy are counterfeit.

6.   Germs could lurk in improper handling of food before it got aboard, or in the failure of food handlers aboard ship to practice proper sanitation.

7.   Improper handling of concentrated plutonium has caused, among other hazards, accidental chain reactions that produced heat and a shower of radiation.

8.   Known as diversion, the practice increases the chances that drugs will be spoiled by improper handling and makes them impossible to find in the case of a recall.

9.   The book concluded that improper handling of experimental mixtures of gunpowder possibly caused the explosion.

10.   When reached in Washington on Thursday, Napolitano flatly denied the allegation that there was any improper handling of the case.

a. + handling >>共 263
careful 4.87%
rough 4.55%
poor 4.38%
better 3.73%
proper 3.41%
improper 3.08%
responsive 2.60%
safe 1.62%
gentle 1.46%
deft 1.30%
improper + n. >>共 350
conduct 5.62%
use 4.80%
behavior 3.66%
relationship 3.58%
activity 2.77%
payment 2.69%
practice 2.69%
influence 1.87%
benefit 1.71%
accounting 1.63%
handling 1.55%
每页显示:    共 19