1.   Careful handling is necessary to reduce mechanical damage.

2.   Certainly they need very careful handling.

3.   Ensuring that patients participating in drug trials give fully informed consent will need careful handling.

4.   March and early September present opportunities for increase, February and August require careful handling.

5.   Piano wire is less expensive than cable but requires careful handling.

6.   Such a situation needs very careful handling.

7.   The stove remains quite a complex piece of engineering however and careful handling and maintenance is necessary.

8.   These items require careful handling.

9.   The cultural variable of costing and benefit management may require careful handling, although experience suggests that approaches to this are usually cyclic.

10.   Making OPP film -- coextruded oriented polypropylene -- is a precise art that calls for careful handling.

a. + handling >>共 263
careful 4.87%
rough 4.55%
poor 4.38%
better 3.73%
proper 3.41%
improper 3.08%
responsive 2.60%
safe 1.62%
gentle 1.46%
deft 1.30%
careful + n. >>共 498
consideration 5.71%
attention 4.69%
study 3.17%
analysis 3.00%
scrutiny 2.60%
look 2.43%
note 2.26%
examination 2.20%
preparation 1.92%
watch 1.87%
handling 1.70%
每页显示:    共 30