1.   In other words, imported goods and services help maintain consumption levels in the Marketable sector.

2.   Overvalued currencies kept the price of imported goods low, crowding out locally produced goods.

3.   So prices are inflated and will remain so until there is a steady flow of imported goods.

4.   So savings rates stay high, and consumption, including the consumption of imported goods, stays low.

5.   Some details of the mechanisms of dispersal of such imported goods can be obtained by a more detailed examination of their distributions.

6.   The technique allows manufacturers to shut down unofficially imported electronic goods.

7.   To stem the flow, he advocates strict trade protections, including high tariffs on imported goods.

8.   The high taxes on imported goods are intended to protect domestic producers.

9.   Imperial preference and taxes to discourage imported goods should be maintained.

10.   Price inflation plagued the distribution of imported goods and was aggravated by bottlenecks in ports like Khorramshahr and beyond.

a. + goods >>共 807
durable 7.72%
imported 5.38%
sporting 4.10%
manufactured 3.26%
stolen 3.03%
household 2.86%
foreign 2.60%
humanitarian 2.28%
japanese 2.15%
electronic 2.14%
imported + n. >>共 505
goods 15.79%
car 5.48%
product 4.16%
food 3.64%
oil 3.16%
steel 3.12%
part 2.16%
material 1.80%
beef 1.56%
vehicle 1.48%
每页显示:    共 393