imported goods 26.00   And that makes imported goods cheaper.
  imported car 9.02   Ford currently sells imported cars here.
  imported product 6.85   Tariffs are taxes on imported products.
  imported food 5.99   Imported foods are stacked on shelves.
  imported oil 5.20   A lowered dependence on imported oil?
  imported steel 5.13   Vietnam now relies heavily on imported foreign steel.
  imported part 3.55   Bimantara makes cars with imported Hyundai parts.
  imported material 2.96   They are facing escalating costs of imported materials and weaker demand.
  imported beef 2.57   Imported beef, lamb and swordfish are out.
  imported vehicle 2.44   Domestic sales include imported vehicles.
  imported item 2.30   Iraq forbids the re-export of imported items.
  imported beer 2.04   Imported beers are another option.
  imported meat 1.97   Farmers are calling for a boycott of all imported meat.
  imported rice 1.84   However, imported rice is very important for the domestic market.
  imported component 1.78   Most cars sold in Indonesia are assembled locally from imported components.
  imported fuel 1.78   These companies rely on imported fuel.
  imported drug 1.71   Imported drugs will, in many cases, need to be relabeled.
  imported fruit 1.51   But Zhang Naiqian prefers imported fruit.
  imported equipment 1.45   Lots of companies in Seattlle depend on imported equipment.
  imported wine 1.32   Buy a couple of imported wines.
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