1.   Freshly grated horseradish root, optional.

2.   The bite and aroma of the horseradish root are almost absent until it is grated or ground.

3.   This year, Bob Jones found a way to force a horseradish root to grow shoots by planting it deep in soil.

4.   Yes, and the lamb shank, the horseradish root and the milk chocolate bunnies.

n. + root >>共 222
tree 17.64%
plant 7.36%
nerve 2.33%
small-town 1.74%
tap 1.74%
country 1.55%
ginseng 1.55%
taro 1.55%
licorice 1.36%
basketball 1.36%
horseradish 0.78%
horseradish + n. >>共 17
sauce 29.55%
cream 20.45%
root 9.09%
mustard 6.82%
crust 4.55%
mixture 4.55%
butter 2.27%
flavor 2.27%
gnocchi 2.27%
paste 2.27%
每页显示:    共 4