tree root 5.99   He tripped over a tree root.
  plant root 2.50   The soil provides nourishment for plant roots.
  nerve root 0.79   The injection Ripken received on Monday was directly into the nerve root.
  small-town root 0.59   His small-town roots still anchor Russo.
  tap root 0.59   A playful cast of mind is obviously the tap root of his fiction.
  country root 0.53   There are also bands seeking, and twisting, country roots.
  ginseng root 0.53   Cultivated ginseng roots can resemble a fat carrot.
  taro root 0.53   She also admired intricate dragons, roosters and horses carved from pumpkins and taro roots.
  basketball root 0.46   Only Alex stayed true to his basketball roots.
  hair root 0.46   Hair roots easily dry out.
  licorice root 0.46   Licorice root and hai zao, for instance, are not compatible.
  lotus root 0.46   Sweet lotus root is an excellent appetizer.
  poke root 0.46   Be careful with poke root as it can be toxic in excess.
  cassava root 0.33   Food often consisted of little more than cassava roots and vegetables.
  feeder root 0.33   This is where the feeder roots are.
  football root 0.33   Hart has adopted these Rams out of an emotional necessity to have football roots.
  gospel root 0.33   Although Presley rocked the world, he never let go of his gospel roots.
  stage root 0.33   The new role happily returns the comedian to her stage roots.
  community root 0.26   But in many cases those arrested have been people with community roots.
  horseradish root 0.26   Freshly grated horseradish root, optional.
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