1.   The stitching is done holding the needles with tweezers with the surgeons wearing special operating glasses.

2.   The Balsam holds its needles well.

3.   The only fair thing to do is to hold the needle and have a fair trial.

4.   This tree holds its needles for approximately one month.

5.   Needle is being held without bail in the Montgomery County Detention Center in Maryland.

v. + needle >>共 149
share 13.58%
insert 8.49%
use 7.55%
stick 5.28%
thread 4.91%
find 3.02%
take 2.45%
remove 2.08%
have 1.89%
exchange 1.70%
hold 0.94%
hold + n. >>共 711
talk 13.23%
meeting 4.85%
election 4.61%
hearing 3.09%
hand 1.51%
position 1.44%
rally 1.24%
discussion 1.20%
office 1.17%
service 1.16%
needle 0%
每页显示:    共 5