hold talk 436.80   PLO-US talks are held in Tunis.
  hold meeting 160.24   The town holds regular meetings.
  hold election 152.34   An election had been held.
  hold hearing 102.04   A hearing will be held Monday.
  hold hand 49.77   Hold my hand.
  hold position 47.47   But Selig held his position.
  hold rally 40.95   They may hold more rallies.
  hold discussion 39.50   Discussions can be held.
  hold office 38.71   He has never held public office.
  hold service 38.25   We held services for the departed.
  hold post 34.23   He held that post for five years.
  hold job 33.51   Can they hold a job?
  hold hostage 32.72   TV used to hold me hostage.
  hold referendum 29.36   Barak has promised to hold a referendum on any deal.
  hold trial 29.23   No trial was held.
  hold breath 28.04   Both sides held their breath.
  hold ceremony 26.73   A ceremony was then held.
  hold demonstration 26.20   Quilting demonstrations will be held.
  hold protest 24.09   Hold your protests.
  hold vote 22.98   No vote was held.
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