1.   And he has clearly hit his mark.

2.   And in France at least she seems to have hit her mark.

3.   And, according to one academic, the network often hits the mark.

4.   And, lo and behold, struggling Alan Mills might be hitting his mark.

5.   And what do you know, they hit their mark.

6.   Any prospect of instability in Russia tends to hit the mark as Germany has a greater economic exposure to Russia than most of its European Union partners.

7.   Antisemitic jokes and diatribes lighten the work, prompting bursts of laughter, and when they really hit their mark, table-thumping approbation.

8.   As a reference tool, this program hits the mark.

9.   As a history lesson, it hits its mark.

10.   As long as the person hits the marks, the illusion will be retained.

v. + mark >>共 338
make 18.53%
leave 10.56%
get 5.56%
miss 4.53%
hit 3.23%
buy 3.13%
receive 3.07%
have 2.37%
sell 2.37%
find 2.30%
hit + n. >>共 887
ball 5.35%
two 2.61%
homer 2.42%
target 2.11%
ground 1.75%
three 1.72%
market 1.53%
wall 1.52%
road 1.50%
shot 1.40%
mark 0.41%
每页显示:    共 97