hit ball 83.54   Just hit the ball.
  hit two 40.75   He hit a two-run homer.
  hit homer 37.72   He always hits homers.
  hit target 32.98   She hit the target.
  hit ground 27.32   Gambina hit the ground.
  hit three 26.79   Hit a three.
  hit market 23.83   It hit the market that March.
  hit wall 23.70   I hit the wall.
  hit road 23.44   Hit the road.
  hit shot 21.92   He hit bad shots.
  hit post 19.75   One hit a post.
  hit head 18.04   She hit her head.
  hit two-run 17.84   He hit a two-run double.
  hit car 16.52   One hit our car.
  hit batter 15.80   He hit a batter.
  hit grounder 15.54   He hit a grounder to the shortstop.
  hit area 14.15   Populated areas are being hit.
  hit bottom 13.89   Hit bottom?
  hit snag 12.57   Budget talks hit snag.
  hit street 11.19   Then, the left wing hit the street.
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