1.   Over half of the patients exhibit clinical signs associated with portal hypertension, such as ascites and hepatorenal syndrome.

2.   Therefore, as in cirrhotics with hepatorenal syndrome, patients with acute liver and renal failure exhibit renal vasoconstriction in the context of marked systemic vasodilation.

3.   The OPCS diagnoses for the three patients with untraced records were cholangitis, alcoholic liver disease, and pancreatic carcinoma with hepatorenal syndrome.

n. + syndrome >>共 207
tunnel 17.93%
fatigue 12.61%
stress 10.49%
bowel 9.12%
war 1.67%
baby 1.52%
gulf 1.37%
leg 1.37%
pain 1.22%
death 0.91%
hepatorenal 0.61%
每页显示:    共 4