tunnel syndrome 7.77   Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  fatigue syndrome 5.46   Take chronic fatigue syndrome, for instance.
  stress syndrome 4.54   She diagnosed George with traumatic stress syndrome.
  bowel syndrome 3.95   The disorder is irritable bowel syndrome.
  war syndrome 0.72   But others believe that all strata of society were breaking out of a war syndrome.
  baby syndrome 0.66   She died that day from head trauma and shaken baby syndrome.
  gulf syndrome 0.59   Unfortunately, the Vietnam syndrome has been replaced among politicians with the gulf war syndrome.
  leg syndrome 0.59   Short leg syndrome is very common in trainee teachers.
  pain syndrome 0.53   Minor injuries touch off debilitating pain syndrome.
  death syndrome 0.39   When the tree eventually dies its leaves go quickly from green to brown, hence the name sudden oak death syndrome.
  post syndrome 0.33   Last season, LaFontaine was idled for months by post concussion syndrome.
  withdrawal syndrome 0.33   For a drug to be physically addictive, it must create both tolerance in a user and a withdrawal syndrome.
  blue-baby syndrome 0.26   The report says blue-baby syndrome is under-reported.
  carpal-tunnel syndrome 0.26   First, it was carpal-tunnel syndrome that led to surgery on his right wrist.
  chronic-fatigue syndrome 0.26   Fibromyalgia, a cousin of chronic-fatigue syndrome, affects mostly women.
  hepatorenal syndrome 0.26   Over half of the patients exhibit clinical signs associated with portal hypertension, such as ascites and hepatorenal syndrome.
  insulin syndrome 0.26   From that, she inferred that they would have lower risk of insulin resistance syndrome.
  outlet syndrome 0.26   By fall, Barr was diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome, a condition likely caused by her arm injury.
  resistance syndrome 0.26   From that, she inferred that they would have lower risk of insulin resistance syndrome.
  shock syndrome 0.26   The shock syndrome is often fatal.
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