1.   Aromatherapy is the only healing art which could be described as creative in an artistic sense.

2.   A sweeping survey of the healing arts from earliest times to the present.

3.   But last week the healing arts board appealed the ruling in Circuit Court in Jefferson City.

4.   Dr. Len Horovitz, a New York pulmonologist, emphasized that music was a healing art.

5.   I began to look at this hideous takeover as the beginning of my farm for the healing arts.

6.   If the healing arts panel was opposed to the unconventional approach, Reine wrote, it should have said so rather than penalize McDonagh for a longstanding practice.

7.   In the meantime, the healing arts board pursued McDonagh for a handful of chelation cases they claim he mishandled.

8.   The healing arts board contends that chelation, as used by McDonagh and a growing number of physicians, is worthless for those kinds of ailments.

9.   The new enterprise for healing arts prospered and grew.

10.   Their collaboration points to the growing entwinement of computer sciences and the healing arts and the degree of integration between fields like pathology, biochemistry and electrical engineering.

a. + art >>共 1403
contemporary 6.71%
modern 4.12%
american 3.11%
visual 2.56%
public 2.04%
new 1.83%
decorative 1.74%
ancient 1.71%
high 1.71%
great 1.50%
healing 0.19%
healing + n. >>共 177
process 28.95%
power 15.20%
property 5.12%
effect 2.19%
wound 2.05%
art 1.90%
method 1.90%
center 1.46%
time 1.17%
service 1.17%
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