healing process 13.03   It was a healing process.
  healing power 6.85   The healing power of love.
  healing property 2.30   Some plants have healing properties.
  healing effect 0.99   Talking about your feelings of grief has a healing effect.
  healing wound 0.92   TIME may have its way of healing wounds.
  healing art 0.86   The new enterprise for healing arts prospered and grew.
  healing method 0.86   Someday, Chubinsky hopes to bring his healing methods to millions.
  healing center 0.66   She had said the money was intended to fund a healing center in Ireland.
  healing service 0.53   Other parishes hold periodic communal healing services at which people can be anointed.
  healing time 0.53   The healing time is normally four to six weeks.
  healing agent 0.46   Forgiveness can be a powerful healing agent.
  healing force 0.39   We will play because our games can serve as a healing force.
  healing hand 0.39   Coffey is revealed as a childlike figure with healing hands.
  healing balm 0.33   Gradually, however, the healing balm of time is working its wonders.
  healing miracle 0.33   Having performed a healing miracle, she is packed off to a remote convent.
  healing technique 0.33   As a healing technique, acupuncture boasts an impressive track record.
  healing ceremony 0.26   Lone Wolf-Cox said she made the decision after her most recent healing ceremony.
  healing energy 0.26   We also sense the deep reserves of healing energies Thomas is reaching into with his compulsive chatter.
  healing experience 0.26   Affirmations put a positive spin on the healing experience.
  healing quality 0.26   The Harvard medical student wrote movingly of the healing qualities of music.
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