1.   A disturbing, surreal haze covers nearly every development now.

2.   It can watch an ugly haze cover the city almost daily.

3.   A yellow haze covered the Denver area and ashes rained on communities.

4.   A smoky haze covered the city.

5.   ASEAN was determined not to let dark haze cover upcoming Commonwealth Games.

6.   At its worst, the haze covered much of the Gulf Coast and Southeast and was apparent as far north as North Dakota.

7.   Determined not to let dark haze cover the upcoming Commonwealth Games, Southeast Asian nations announced plans Wednesday to fight and prevent regional wildfires.

8.   In Bongan subdistrict, Kutai, the haze covered the Mahakam River and vast oil palm plantations belonging to PT London Sumatra.

9.   Large clouds of smoke were rising from the bombed buildings and a haze has covered the downtown area.

10.   The haze has covered much of Indonesia and spread as far as Singapore and Malaysia, provoking health hazard warnings.

n. + cover >>共 1663
insurance 3.06%
agreement 2.80%
weather 2.01%
plan 1.66%
law 1.47%
air 1.45%
cloud 1.44%
talk 1.34%
condition 1.22%
patent 1.08%
haze 0.14%
haze + v. >>共 94
be 17.82%
hang 5.82%
return 4.00%
cover 3.64%
cause 3.27%
spread 3.27%
blanket 2.55%
envelop 2.55%
continue 2.18%
descend 2.18%
每页显示:    共 10