1.   At the LBJ Library, Ford protested the harsh language and hostile atmosphere that now pervade national politics.

2.   During the campaign, he hurled harsh language at opponents, tapping into decades of frustration among Mexicans.

3.   Even with the continuing harsh language, both Klein and Neukom, in response to questions, said they would still be willing to settle the case.

4.   Harsh language is common.

5.   Having taken some risks by bringing up the subject of his age and his combativeness, Dole also presented an array of trademark applause subjects with particularly harsh language.

6.   How many, named foreman and charged with getting out the work, had turned to harsh language and harsher actions?

7.   In condemning the agreement, Sweeney used unusually harsh language toward an administration that he usually treats as an ally.

8.   In four major speeches in the last month, Hundt used harsh language to castigate broadcasters and his own agency alike.

9.   In the last weeks, Russian officials have toned down the harsh Cold War language that characterized their first response to the NATO strikes.

10.   It includes simulated sex, foreplay, partial nudity, sexual innuendo, harsh language and violence.

a. + language >>共 1403
foreign 6.28%
english 4.17%
official 4.14%
native 2.74%
programming 2.46%
second 2.34%
different 2.24%
new 2.15%
local 1.83%
same 1.79%
harsh 0.54%
harsh + n. >>共 607
word 8.36%
criticism 7.28%
winter 5.28%
condition 4.25%
reality 3.64%
weather 2.86%
punishment 2.59%
treatment 2.22%
rhetoric 2.10%
penalty 2.00%
language 1.22%
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