harsh word 22.51   Harsh words.
  harsh criticism 19.62   She was stung by their harsh criticism.
  harsh winter 14.22   A harsh winter follows.
  harsh condition 11.45   Many died in the harsh conditions.
  harsh reality 9.81   Harsh reality.
  harsh weather 7.70   Protect your skin from harsh weather.
  harsh punishment 6.98   Calls for harsh punishment mounted.
  harsh treatment 5.99   And blacks get especially harsh treatment.
  harsh rhetoric 5.66   And both sides kept up harsh rhetoric.
  harsh penalty 5.40   No one is prescribing a harsh penalty.
  harsh measure 4.87   Harsh measures?
  harsh critic 4.28   He later became his harsh critic.
  harsh sentence 4.02   Prosecutors had argued for a harsh sentence.
  harsh rule 3.69   Many Afghans have suffered under the harsh rule of the Taliban.
  harsh language 3.29   Harsh language is common.
  harsh environment 3.09   We are in a pretty harsh environment .
  harsh light 3.09   The lamp shed a harsh yellow light.
  harsh attack 2.90   Meridor responded with unusually harsh attack.
  harsh crackdown 2.90   The Japanese began harsh crackdowns.
  harsh law 2.90   Extradition law is a very harsh law.
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