1.   Beat eggs and granulated sugar well and add vanilla and citron.

2.   Brush on the warm cake in several coatings, sprinkling granulated sugar over the cake between each coating.

3.   Combine eggs, egg yolks and granulated sugar in a large mixing bowl.

4.   For Crust, combine flour and granulated sugar in a medium bowl.

5.   For Crust, in a mixer bowl, cream together butter and granulated sugar.

6.   For Raspberry Sauce, place raspberries and granulated sugar in a small saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring, over high heat.

7.   Granulated sugar to taste.

8.   Granulated sugar for sprinkling.

9.   In a medium bowl, toss the pear halves with the lime juice and granulated sugar.

10.   In another large bowl, using a hand-held electric mixer set at medium-high speed, beat the eggs and granulated sugar until combined.

v. + sugar >>共 204
add 21.23%
dissolve 10.62%
contain 2.98%
import 2.48%
use 2.38%
sprinkle 2.38%
have 2.18%
stir 1.98%
granulate 1.88%
ice 1.79%
granulate + n. >>共 5
sugar 79.17%
carpet 8.33%
carbon 4.17%
garlic 4.17%
peat 4.17%
每页显示:    共 19