1.   Mucosal pathology in gluten sensitivity seems to be dependent on T cel lmediated reactivity in genetically predisposed subjects.

2.   Diarrhoea continues to be one of the most common presenting symptoms of untreated gluten sensitivity.

3.   The computerised image analysis showed that there is no architectural difference between gluten sensitivity and disease control rectal mucosae.

4.   Our observations also indicate that in the presence of a lymphocytic colitis despite its continuing uncertain nosology, gluten sensitivity should always be excluded.

n. + sensitivity >>共 46
food 10.75%
recognition 10.75%
interest-rate 5.38%
oesophageal 5.38%
gluten 4.30%
beryllium 3.23%
market 3.23%
drug 3.23%
pain 3.23%
price 3.23%
gluten + n. >>共 26
diet 30.16%
import 9.52%
feed 7.94%
content 6.35%
network 6.35%
sensitivity 6.35%
price 3.17%
challenge 1.59%
condition 1.59%
debate 1.59%
每页显示:    共 4