1.   Moderate to strong surface winds will continue to generate rough seas over coastal waters at least through Monday.

2.   Small northeast swells and slight higher winds across the offshore Atlantic waters will continue to generate higher seas there.

3.   The breezy easterly winds are generating rough seas, especially across north and east waters.

4.   The strong and gusty winds over the region will continue to generate rough seas over the coastal waters.

5.   These winds are generating rough seas across our coastal waters and a small craft advisory remains in effect for our area.

6.   These winds are in turn generating rough seas over the local coastal waters.

7.   This has generated rough seas in these areas.

8.   This will generate rough seas ... therefore, a small craft advisory remains in effect.

9.   This will generate rough seas especially across the atlantic waters.

10.   This will generate rough seas, so a small craft advisory remains in effect.

v. + sea >>共 216
overlook 7.10%
produce 4.89%
face 4.73%
patrol 3.15%
search 2.68%
scour 2.68%
put_to 2.52%
divide 2.21%
see 2.05%
border 1.89%
generate 1.58%
generate + n. >>共 986
revenue 6.99%
electricity 4.00%
profit 3.24%
interest 2.94%
power 2.68%
income 2.47%
lot 2.03%
excitement 1.96%
cash 1.89%
controversy 1.75%
sea 0.17%
每页显示:    共 10