overlook sea 2.96   You can enjoy breakfast overlooking the sea.
  produce sea 2.04   This will produce choppy seas mainly this afternoon.
  face sea 1.97   Huge windows facing sea.
  patrol sea 1.32   Six German navy ships last week set off to patrol seas off the Horn of Africa.
  scour sea 1.12   Helicopters scour sea for the wreckage.
  search sea 1.12   At least two navy frogmen were searching the sea for bodies.
  put_to sea 1.05   The refugees put to sea in rickety rafts.
  divide sea 0.92   Iran wants to divide the sea equally.
  see sea 0.86   They see the sea.
  border sea 0.79   Turkey, Ukraine and Russia also border sea.
  create sea 0.79   We want to create a sea of red.
  cross sea 0.72   Our ancestors crossed the sea in small boats.
  reach sea 0.72   During dry periods, the river no longer reaches the sea.
  generate sea 0.66   This has generated rough seas in these areas.
  increase sea 0.66   Gradually increasing seas.
  watch sea 0.59   Only watching the sea for hours calmed her.
  ply sea 0.53   Shall we see commercial sailing vessels ply the seas again?
  pollute sea 0.53   The oil is being removed to avoid polluting the sea.
  enter sea 0.46   The river enters the sea near here.
  hit sea 0.46   The first Seawolf hit the seas in June.
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