1.   Also untested is what will happen when gene patents overlap with attempts to patent proteins derived from those genes.

2.   But if genes are not the whole story, it also means those gene patents could be worth less.

3.   But will the same gene patents that encourage research restrict access by pricing new procedures out of reach?

4.   Ever since, gene patents and biotechnology have been as American as the flag and apple pie.

5.   Even those who support some version of gene patents say that many of the early patents were far too broad.

6.   Moderator Olan sent a chuckle through the crowded conference hall when he raised the issue of gene patents.

7.   Neither the NIH nor Anderson, now at the University of Southern California, would comment on their dispute with Miller over the gene therapy patent.

8.   One would instruct the federal Office of Science and Technology Policy to study whether gene patents are aiding or hindering research.

9.   Patent lawyers, however, say the Clinton-Blair proposal does nothing to diminish the value of gene patents.

10.   Oxford has already licensed its gene chip patent to Incyte Genomics, which has been sued by Affymetrix for patent infringement, and to Agilent.

n. + patent >>共 82
gene 12.12%
drug 11.52%
software 7.27%
cotton 3.03%
business-method 2.42%
design 2.42%
process 2.42%
year 2.42%
method 1.82%
biotech 1.82%
gene + n. >>共 238
therapy 33.39%
mutation 3.17%
experiment 2.85%
sequence 2.54%
research 2.22%
trial 1.90%
test 1.90%
expression 1.74%
fragment 1.74%
technology 1.67%
patent 1.59%
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