1.   Returning to Community legislation, the founding treaties lay down certain basic rules on the publication and commencement of such texts.

2.   Its founding treaty of Rome has been upgraded several times, each time concentrating more powers in the Brussels-based group.

3.   The alliance earlier invoked a clause in its founding treaty declaring that an attack on one member is an attack on all.

4.   Also, the ICC cannot force countries which have not ratified its founding treaty to cooperate with the tribunal.

5.   The founding EU treaties envisaged a loose objective of ever greater union.

a. + treaty >>共 338
international 20.47%
new 9.97%
global 5.34%
union 3.87%
bilateral 3.52%
formal 2.36%
warming 2.14%
proposed 2.14%
postwar 2.14%
nonproliferation 1.78%
founding 0.22%
founding + n. >>共 129
member 39.37%
president 6.58%
director 5.95%
family 5.44%
editor 4.56%
partner 2.91%
principle 2.41%
chairman 2.41%
sponsor 1.27%
congress 1.14%
treaty 0.63%
每页显示:    共 5