founding member 20.47   That belongs only to a founding member.
  founding president 3.42   Ogata is the founding president.
  founding director 3.09   He was a founding director of World Jai Alai.
  founding family 2.83   How will the founding families pursue their strategies?
  founding editor 2.37   Rheingold was a founding editor at HotWired.
  founding partner 1.51   One reason, a founding partner was a licensed amateur radio operator.
  founding chairman 1.25   He was also the founding chairman of the State Board for Chiropractic, the licensing agency.
  founding principle 1.25   It was a direct assault on the founding principles of the United Nations itself.
  founding sponsor 0.66   The Auto Club was a founding sponsor of the speedway.
  founding congress 0.59   This second founding congress, however, was Marred by an immediate schism.
  founding charter 0.53   Officials said the rule would remain in the founding charter for big issues such as membership applications.
  founding leader 0.53   There were no incidents, though founding leader Chavannes Jean-Baptiste said enemies had tried to infiltrate their meeting.
  founding company 0.46   The other founding companies are Intel, IBM and Toshiba.
  founding trustee 0.46   He was a founding trustee of the Rutgers Preparatory School.
  founding shareholder 0.39   Phatraprasit is one of three founding shareholders of BOA.
  founding publisher 0.33   Julie McGowan, advertising director of The New Yorker and prior to that founding publisher of Family Life, will replace Kelly.
  founding treaty 0.33   The founding EU treaties envisaged a loose objective of ever greater union.
  founding act 0.26   The founding act we sign captures the promise of this remarkable moment.
  founding bank 0.26   He told Hashimoto that the founding banks should clarify their responsibilities in the bailout scheme.
  founding board 0.26   It also rejected a plea for the removal from the founding board of six women members, who wear the traditional Islamic headscarf.
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