1.   For McDonnell Douglas, a traditional leader in military and passenger aircraft whose fortunes have lately soured, the decision raises the gloomy prospect of second-tier status.

2.   He has also seen warning signs that fortunes can sour quickly in Vietnam.

3.   Later, some Sony studio executives complained that Ovitz planted negative stories in the press about the company when its fortunes later soured.

4.   That first season in teal we made the playoffs, but gradually, our fortunes soured.

5.   His fortunes soured with the Asian economy last year.

n. + sour >>共 171
relation 13.80%
relationship 7.86%
economy 5.10%
dispute 4.88%
investor 2.76%
thing 2.55%
mood 2.34%
experience 2.12%
market 1.70%
marriage 1.49%
fortune 1.06%
fortune + v. >>共 192
be 16.96%
change 6.81%
turn 3.65%
smile 3.49%
improve 3.01%
rise 2.54%
come 2.38%
go 2.22%
continue 2.06%
have 2.06%
sour 0.79%
每页显示:    共 5