fortune be 7.04   The fortune was lost.
  fortune change 2.83   But fortunes change.
  fortune turn 1.51   Even good fortune turned bad.
  fortune smile 1.45   But fortune smiled on Franey.
  fortune improve 1.25   After he left London, his fortunes improved.
  fortune rise 1.05   The Symington family fortunes rise and fall with the centuries.
  fortune come 0.99   With her fame came fortune.
  fortune go 0.92   Yet it needed a little good fortune to go ahead.
  fortune continue 0.86   His ill fortune continued.
  fortune have 0.86   Fortune had an idea.
  fortune seem 0.79   Good fortune seemed to accompany Bryant all night.
  fortune take 0.79   Fortune does take strange turns.
  fortune favor 0.59   Above all, fortune favors the bold.
  fortune grow 0.59   In this system, fortunes grew in proportion to power.
  fortune begin 0.46   Their good fortune began Sunday.
  fortune depend 0.39   His fortune depends on the capricious weather and his ability to pry credit from the banks to buy enough seed for crops.
  fortune fade 0.39   He spent six years at IBM Corp. in its glory days, only to see its fortunes fade after his departure.
  fortune say 0.39   Fortune said he feels Freeman can come back.
  fortune fluctuate 0.33   His fortunes fluctuated throughout a round which included four birdies and three bogies.
  fortune give 0.33   His fortune alone could give Zaire an economic boost.
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