1.   Food prices are being kept artificially low.

2.   Food prices have consistently risen less than the retail prices index.

3.   Food prices have increased rapidly in recent months.

4.   Food prices quadrupled during the war.

5.   Food subsidies are reduced or thrown out altogether and food prices May double or triple overnight.

6.   It is caused not only by drought but also by high world food prices and use of land for cash-crop exports.

7.   It was growing from the twin roots of controlled food prices and food subsidies.

8.   Many believe the tax unfairly penalises poor blacks by increasing basic food prices.

n. + price >>共 312
share 23.97%
oil 9.89%
future 4.88%
bond 3.87%
consumer 2.97%
wheat 2.72%
gasoline 2.56%
ticket 2.04%
commodity 1.89%
energy 1.83%
food 1.77%
food + n. >>共 604
shortage 7.18%
aid 7.11%
supply 5.43%
price 3.88%
company 3.00%
product 2.59%
industry 2.07%
production 1.90%
safety 1.39%
store 1.32%
每页显示:    共 566