1.   In the following extract, Jones presents the arguments in favour of nuclear power.

2.   The basis for the proposed introduction of a new estate and its nature are made clear in the following extracts.

3.   Disrepair, as indicated by the following extract, is a key problem within the private rented sector.

4.   The following extracts are typical.

a. + extract >>共 88
vanilla 24.90%
almond 13.41%
nuclear 5.36%
orange 4.98%
herbal 3.45%
crude 2.30%
following 1.53%
liquid 1.53%
natural 1.53%
pure 1.53%
following + n. >>共 926
year 17.60%
day 17.28%
week 7.14%
month 4.38%
morning 3.04%
story 2.47%
season 2.04%
gain 1.65%
spring 1.19%
recipe 1.08%
extract 0.05%
每页显示:    共 4