1.   After the harvest he planted the beet again the following spring, hoping to obtain seed from the specimen.

2.   Encouraged by her new friend, Farnham resolved to stick with farming and to plant a crop again the following spring.

3.   He departed after announcing that he would return for his answer with a larger squadron the following spring.

4.   If layered in August, the new plant should be ready to move by late autumn or the following spring.

5.   In the following spring he was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident.

6.   It remains in its pupal chamber until the following spring and emerges in April, May or June to seek a mate.

7.   Loose oxygenators can be removed altogether, keeping back just a few rooted cuttings for the following spring.

8.   The case likely would be heard next fall, with a Supreme Court opinion not expected before the following spring or summer.

9.   The following spring the town of Niagara Falls was lit for the first time by electricity.

a. + spring >>共 702
last 38.59%
next 19.54%
early 5.68%
late 4.66%
following 1.38%
past 1.38%
extended 1.27%
annual 0.96%
warm 0.79%
good 0.52%
following + n. >>共 926
year 17.60%
day 17.28%
week 7.14%
month 4.38%
morning 3.04%
story 2.47%
season 2.04%
gain 1.65%
spring 1.19%
recipe 1.08%
每页显示:    共 94