1.   However, Norwich Union has publicly stated that it intends to devote a greater part of its investments to fixed interest securities.

2.   It covers trading in all listed and unlisted securities, gilts, and other fixed interest securities on the London Stock Exchange.

3.   Life insurance funds invest more in fixed interest securities because a large part of their liabilities is in nominal terms.

4.   Normally rising interest rates will depress the price of gilts by making their fixed interest payments less attractive to investors.

5.   The assets are actively managed and represent a wide spread of fixed interest stocks, U.K. and overseas equity shares and property.

6.   This applies to most matured fixed interest Savings Certificates issues.

7.   High interest rates may discourage many firms from taking out long-term fixed interest loans.

8.   The ordinary shareholder will assess his likely participation in the residue of profits of the company after fixed interest and dividend charges have been paid.

9.   Bonds, meantime, were led lower by a Treasury market decline, and as investors switched from fixed interest securities into stocks after Asian markets settled.

10.   Bonds, meantime, were led lower by a Treasury market decline, and as investors switched from fixed interest securities into stocks as Asian markets settled.

a. + interest >>共 738
national 5.58%
best 4.28%
american 2.39%
strong 2.21%
particular 1.98%
renewed 1.87%
financial 1.81%
buying 1.61%
keen 1.58%
common 1.58%
fixed 0.29%
fixed + n. >>共 453
income 10.96%
rate 9.09%
cost 5.69%
price 4.89%
amount 4.44%
asset 3.30%
payment 2.57%
line 2.36%
number 1.98%
fee 1.77%
interest 1.49%
每页显示:    共 43