1.   As the major fabric houses do not find it worth their while to make up such small orders, Kasten has created a profitable niche for his business.

2.   Given the lack of competition, you might find it worth a look.

3.   I found it worth the price for the convenience and flexibility it offers.

4.   I believe you would find them worth every penny.

5.   Investors whose portfolios contain bonds or mutual funds that remain undisturbed might not find them worth the money.

6.   Ironically, few would-be competitors even find it worth their while to target residential customers for local service because the potential for profit is so remote.

7.   Local film fans and kickboxing fanatics will find it worth the price of admission.

8.   Our tester found it worth the extra time, though, to saute the vegetables before baking with the fish.

9.   The winning entry will be published in a future column, as will any other entries we find worth making fun of.

10.   They hope that if gardeners have an easier time making choices, they may find it worth the additional cost.

v. + worth >>共 103
make 24.87%
seem 14.21%
be 9.90%
become 4.82%
say 4.31%
find 3.81%
prove 2.79%
think 2.54%
consider 2.28%
have 1.52%
find + p. >>共 136
with 15.60%
near 8.59%
under 4.88%
inside 4.85%
among 4.40%
in 3.51%
during 3.37%
outside 3.14%
after 3.11%
as 2.58%
worth 0.24%
每页显示:    共 15