make worth 6.45   They alone make it worth seeing.
  seem worth 3.69   It seems worth a try.
  be worth 2.57   What is he worth?
  become worth 1.25   Courier has become worth all the attention.
  say worth 1.12   Worth said.
  find worth 0.99   Customers find it worth the wait.
  prove worth 0.72   Both just might prove worth the wait.
  think worth 0.66   Maybe a bomber will not think it worth his while.
  consider worth 0.59   Still, DiCaprio is considered worth the wait.
  have worth 0.39   The Abbey and The Gate invariably have something worth seeing.
  deem worth 0.26   A Super Bowl ring or national championship is deemed worth it.
  sound worth 0.26   Sounds well worth it to me.
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