1.   Contemporary art practice has found various uses for avant-garde culture.

2.   I also found widespread use of goals, measurement, and feedback through scoreboards.

3.   It now remains for property owners to find new uses for old buildings that were designed with a single purpose in mind.

4.   The cupboard is full of things I can never find a use for.

5.   These are merely suggested guidelines, and individual organisations may find other uses for the description section.

6.   Erm finding new uses for those built areas is very difficult because of the constraints of access.

7.   On the other hand, many studies become open-ended because more and more uses are found for a cohort whose past history is well documented.

8.   A recent study tour found the use of video and screens had reduced as children were better empowered.

v. + use >>共 447
make 12.53%
have 5.24%
ban 3.97%
allow 2.43%
include 2.31%
oppose 2.28%
limit 2.27%
prohibit 2.20%
involve 1.93%
promote 1.77%
find 1.65%
find + n. >>共 1111
way 10.77%
body 4.59%
evidence 3.12%
job 2.32%
work 1.71%
solution 1.51%
place 1.01%
buyer 0.83%
bomb 0.72%
home 0.69%
use 0.30%
每页显示:    共 169