make use 84.79   And make use of long wave.
  have use 35.48   But fog has its uses.
  ban use 26.86   Florida bans the use of headsets.
  allow use 16.46   Its use is no longer allowed.
  include use 15.67   It includes drug use.
  oppose use 15.40   PETA opposes all use of leather.
  limit use 15.34   That has limited their use.
  prohibit use 14.88   Islam prohibits the use of alcohol.
  involve use 13.03   One involved intensive use of X-ray.
  promote use 11.98   Critics say he is promoting drug use.
  approve use 11.78   After this meeting, Reno approved use of the gas.
  restrict use 11.72   That would restrict its use.
  reduce use 11.32   This has not reduced drug use.
  find use 11.19   But it is finding new uses.
  encourage use 10.66   Subsidized parking also encourages auto use.
  increase use 9.08   Increased use of eight-man fronts.
  authorize use 8.36   It does not authorize the use of force.
  support use 8.29   I strongly support helmet use.
  require use 7.50   New locks require the use of opposable thumbs.
  expand use 7.24   Some are expanding their use of water.
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