1.   If you really want to understand what even made it a film worth redoing, go back and see the original.

2.   Is this film worth putting up with all the confusion?

3.   The question is, how much is the film worth to collectors as a historical relic?

4.   The film won a slew of Oscars this year, but for those who have not had a dekko, it is a film worth looking forward to.

n. + worth >>共 246
dollar 8.74%
risk 2.76%
life 2.30%
market 2.30%
idea 2.07%
price 1.61%
thing 1.61%
day 1.38%
story 1.38%
gamble 1.15%
film 0.92%
film + n. >>共 910
industry 5.61%
festival 5.53%
maker 5.37%
director 4.63%
company 3.14%
crew 3.00%
studio 2.69%
clip 2.51%
critic 2.49%
producer 2.38%
worth 0.06%
每页显示:    共 4