1.   Although several of these galleries are represented at the Outsider Art Fair, their permanent addresses feature solo exhibitions, providing in-depth encounters, and in less frenzied circumstances.

2.   Books about Hopper and posters of his work are for sale at Hopper House, which occasionally features exhibitions about Hopper.

3.   In addition to performances, the festival features exhibitions of puppets, set designs, photographs and other related items at various locations.

4.   One recent program at the Screening Room featured an exhibition of artwork by actor Dennis Hopper and a retrospective of his films.

5.   The center, on the second floor, will feature exhibitions on the history of the New York waterfront.

6.   The museum houses an extensive history and art collection and features changing exhibitions by local and other artists.

7.   Through the end of September, the museum will feature an exhibition on the Monitor, the Civil War ironclad ship.

8.   The congress yesterday also featured an exhibition of the results of studies held by the institute.

9.   The museum has already featured an exhibition on the design of the new zeppelin, and is gathering materials to document the history of the new aircraft.

v. + exhibition >>共 206
organize 6.22%
open 5.38%
hold 5.02%
mount 4.31%
play 4.07%
stage 3.83%
see 3.71%
have 3.71%
visit 3.47%
plan 2.15%
feature 1.08%
feature + n. >>共 1771
woman 1.31%
picture 1.29%
player 1.17%
character 1.11%
photo 1.09%
works 1.01%
team 1.01%
work 0.99%
star 0.95%
voice 0.89%
exhibition 0.18%
每页显示:    共 9