1.   Investors typically move funds into government securities when stocks fall in order to protect the value of their assets.

2.   Investors typically funnel funds into government securities when stocks fall in order to protect the value of their assets.

3.   Investors typically park their money in notes and bonds when stocks fall to protect the value of their assets.

4.   Investors typically park their money in U.S. government securities when stocks fall to protect the value of their assets.

5.   Investors typically park their money in notes and bonds when equities fall to protect the value of their assets.

v. + protect >>共 339
use 9.71%
do 8.04%
act 5.31%
work 3.79%
deploy 3.34%
fight 3.26%
intervene 3.03%
can 2.50%
set_up 1.90%
lie 1.90%
fall 0.38%
fall + v. >>共 179
follow 22.07%
say 5.18%
try 3.15%
attempt 2.70%
rebel 2.70%
make 2.25%
have 1.80%
depend 1.58%
accord 1.35%
zero 1.35%
protect 1.13%
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