1.   It is, observers said, much better defended than the two remote and small enclaves, Srebrenica and Zepa, that have recently fallen to rebel Serbs.

2.   Eight priests and three nuns, all Hutus, were massacred in an area of Zaire that fell to rebel Tutsis, the Vatican newspaper reported Thursday.

3.   If Zepa surrendered, it would be the second U.N.-protected area to fall to rebel Serbs in two weeks.

4.   It would be the second of U.N.-protected area to fall to rebel Serbs in two weeks.

5.   It would be the second U.N.-protected area to fall to rebel Serbs in two weeks.

6.   The officer in charge of Dutch troops guarding the Bosnian Muslim enclave of Srebrenica when it fell to rebel Serbs has been promoted, the Defense Ministry said Monday.

7.   The prosecution has claimed that thousands of non-Serb men were marched out of Srebrenica after it fell to rebel Serbs and summarily executed.

8.   The U.N.-protected enclave of Srebrenica on Tuesday falls to rebel Serbs despite a NATO airstrike, forcing refugees and U.N. peacekeepers to flee in panic.

9.   There were unconfirmed reports that the provincial capital at the southern end of Lake Kivu had fallen to rebel Tutsi forces.

10.   Vukovar fell to rebel Serbs after a nearly three-month siege by the Serb-led Yugoslav army, which backed the rebels.

v. + rebel >>共 7
fall 50.00%
respond 16.67%
appeal 8.33%
deliver 8.33%
have 8.33%
ally 4.17%
protest 4.17%
fall + v. >>共 179
follow 22.07%
say 5.18%
try 3.15%
attempt 2.70%
rebel 2.70%
make 2.25%
have 1.80%
depend 1.58%
accord 1.35%
zero 1.35%
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