1.   Attention is focused on the external environment and Markets, rather than customers.

2.   I feel that we can take control of our own destiny, no matter what the external environment says.

3.   In their view, corporate strategies fail because they consider problems in the external environment but not those internal to the organization.

4.   It simply indicates that the focus of attention is our thoughts rather than our external environment.

5.   The intact skin acts as a barrier between the internal and the external environment which contains many potentially harmful agents.

6.   Their survival depends on how they respond to changes in the external environment.

7.   There-fore, you often must convert or encode data from the external environment.

8.   This activity will continue until the system breaks down internally or is subject to an intervention from the external environment.

9.   Threats in the external environment also provide a compelling reason to expand beyond the home Market.

10.   One technique is to look at its strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats it faces from the external environment.

a. + environment >>共 1238
new 3.56%
hostile 2.91%
economic 2.60%
natural 2.26%
competitive 2.17%
political 1.87%
current 1.86%
working 1.69%
global 1.35%
different 1.35%
external 0.43%
external + n. >>共 526
affair 4.37%
debt 4.33%
factor 3.27%
pressure 2.95%
threat 2.67%
relation 2.53%
review 2.26%
force 2.03%
trade 1.70%
drive 1.47%
environment 1.06%
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