1.   Firstly, changing external factors meant that many plans became rapidly out of date and so they could never be implemented properly.

2.   So this external factor offsets the fact that performance in the evening due to the body clock might be deteriorating.

3.   People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors - their looks or status - in order to feel good about themselves.

4.   External factors must affect the timing of particular events and the points at which we highlight and are particularly proactive about specific issues.

5.   Two external factors suggest possible reasons for the increase in numbers.

6.   Lubeck, elaborating on de Janvry, contrasts the force of internal against external factors in explaining capital accumulation.

7.   Some elements will be unprotected being idea, dictated by considerations of efficiency, required by external factors, or taken from the public domain.

8.   The cause may be attributed either to internal factors or external factors and to stable factors or unstable factors.

9.   Much controversy surrounds the relative importance of internal factors, and external factors in determining coping skills.

a. + factor >>共 825
major 7.64%
important 6.72%
key 6.17%
big 2.75%
technical 2.67%
contributing 2.45%
main 2.18%
deciding 2.13%
environmental 1.88%
seasonal 1.80%
external 0.90%
external + n. >>共 526
affair 4.37%
debt 4.33%
factor 3.27%
pressure 2.95%
threat 2.67%
relation 2.53%
review 2.26%
force 2.03%
trade 1.70%
drive 1.47%
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