1.   Extensive revision to Learning Outcomes.

2.   Because of that compressed creative process, he often makes extensive revisions to his work after it reaches the stage.

3.   Lehman and Dickinson oversaw extensive revisions in U.S. intellectual property laws, which had been unchanged for decades.

4.   Other analysts said the current estimate will be subject to extensive revisions.

5.   The measure now goes to the Senate, where it is likely to undergo extensive revision at the hand of deficit-conscious lawmakers of both parties.

6.   Their roster figures to undergo extensive revision as well.

7.   The spending bill must now move to the Senate where it was expected to undergo extensive revision.

8.   The IGC is currently embarked on an extensive revision of the Treaty.

a. + revision >>共 199
downward 13.31%
upward 11.15%
proposed 6.14%
major 5.69%
constitutional 4.32%
further 3.30%
possible 2.05%
final 1.82%
first 1.82%
drastic 1.82%
extensive 0.91%
extensive + n. >>共 1190
damage 7.14%
experience 2.66%
research 2.64%
use 2.01%
coverage 1.59%
network 1.55%
search 1.27%
interview 1.17%
collection 1.15%
background 1.10%
revision 0.13%
每页显示:    共 8