downward revision 7.70   Downward revisions were expected.
  upward revision 6.45   The upward revision was larger than expected.
  proposed revision 3.55   The proposed revisions are expected to be issued a few weeks after the election.
  major revision 3.29   Roth proposes major revisions.
  constitutional revision 2.50   But consider that constitutional revision in a future election this close.
  further revision 1.91   Figures are subject to further revision.
  possible revision 1.18   Traders are awaiting a possible revision of the figures.
  drastic revision 1.05   This appears to be a drastic revision.
  final revision 1.05   The final GDP revision is next month.
  first revision 1.05   This is the first revision to first quarter GDP data.
  minor revision 0.99   He said the judge asked for minor revisions.
  recent revision 0.86   A recent revision is said to correct the problem.
  substantial revision 0.86   The problem, observers say, is a substantial downward revision.
  latest revision 0.79   But the company immediately criticized the latest revisions.
  significant revision 0.79   Also, new data still often lead to significant revisions.
  radical revision 0.66   We are not talking radical revisions here.
  sweeping revision 0.59   Parliament is scheduled to debate sweeping revisions tightening security and media laws before the election.
  constant revision 0.53   Here, events kept changing under her, prompting constant revisions.
  extensive revision 0.53   Extensive revision to Learning Outcomes.
  legal revision 0.53   South Korea said it still lacks a legal revision required to underpin planned administrative improvements.
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